Nos livres
La bibliothèque de l'innovation : toutes nos inspirations 📚
Motivée et motivante, Audacy s'inspire des entrepreneurs, designers et inventeurs les plus audacieux. Piochez dans la bibliothèque qui nous a permis de structurer nos approches et de faire avancer notre réflexion sur la conception de nouveaux services : elle est là pour ça !
Design . Thinkers
Business . Makers
Par thématique :
- Design leadership Richard Banfield, 2016, 152 pages
- Don't make me think Steve Krug, 2014, 200 pages
- Practical design discovery Dan Brown, 2015, 145 pages
- Responsive design : patterns & principles Ethan Marcotte, 2018, 230 pages
- Designing for touch Josh Clark, 2015, 166 pages
- The design of everyday things Don Norman, 2013
- Architecture de l'information Jean-Michel Salaun, 2015, 200 pages
- Design thinking : accélérez vos projets Stéphane Biso / Marjorie La Naour, 2017, 140 pages
- Interfaces numériques Etienne Armand Amato / Etienne Péreny, 2018, 230 pages
- Card Sorting Gautier Barrère et Eric Mazzone, 2012, 100 pages
- La Gamification Clément Muletier / Guilhem Bertholet / Thomas Lang, 2014, 280 pages
- Workplace by design Franklin Becker, 1995
- Wireframing for Everyone Michael Angeles, Leon Barnard, & Billy Carlson
Design UX
- User experience revolution Paul Boag
- UX design & usability Emrah Yayici, 2014, 100 pages
- Mobile First Luke Wroblewski, 2011
- UI-UX : les bases du prototypage Didier Mazier, 2018, 252 pages
- Designing for emotion Aaron Walter, 2011, 104 pages
- UX Design Jean-François Nogier et Jules Leclerc, 2016, 320 pages
- Impact Mapping Gojko Adzic et Marjory Bisset, 2012, 72 pages
- Ergonomie Web illustrée - design et interface Amélie Boucher, 2011, 330 pages
- Méthodes de design UX Guillaume Gronier et Carine Lallemand, 2015, 488 pages
- Design d'experience utilisateur Sylvie Daumal
- Wireframing for everyone Michael Angeles, Leon Barnard, & Billy Carlson
- The Business of UX Writing Yael Ben-David
- Sprint (design sprint by Google) Jake Knapp et John Zeratsky, 2017, 400 pages
- Change by design Tim Brown, 2009, 260 pages
- Lean Startup Eric Ries, 2011, 336 pages
- The startup way Eric Ries, 2017, 400 pages
- Lean UX Jeff Gothelf et Josh Seiden, 2016, 208 pages
- Lean VS Agile VS Design Thinking Jeff Gothelf, 2017, 66 pages
- Sketchnote Mike Rohde, 2012, 224 pages
- Responsive web design Ethan Marcotte, 2011
- Git for humans David Demaree, 2016, 130 pages
- CSS3 Flexbox Rapahel Goetter, 2016, 130 pages
- HTML5 for web designers Jérémy Keith & Rachel Andrew, 2010, 86 pages
- CSS 3 for web designers Dan Cederholm, 2010, 120 pages
- HTML & CSS : design and build websites Jon Duckett, 2011, 490 pages
- Javascript & Jquery Jon Duckett, 2014, 640 pages
- Le Zen du CSS "CSS Zen Garden" Dave Shea et Molly Holzschlag, 2005, 295 pages
- CSS Maintenables Kaelig Deloumeau-Prigent et Christian Heilmann, 2014, 240 pages
- CSS avancées : Vers HTML5 et CSS3 Raphaël Goetter, 2016, 130 pages
- Bienvenue en incertitude Philippe Silberzahn, 2017, 280 pages
- The art of innovation Tom Kelley, 2016, 288 pages
- The ten faces of innovation Tom Kelley, 2018, 224 pages
- Innovation by design Thomas Lockwood & Edgar Papk, 2017, 192 pages
- Inspiring & executing innovation Harvard Business Review, 2011, 272 pages
- Innover ou disparaitre Oliver Laborde, 2016, 320 pages
- Business Model Innovation Staffan Hedén
- Reality Check: How Immersive Technologies Can Transform Your Business Jeremy Dalton
- The Nvidia Way: Jensen Huang and the Making of a Tech Giant Tae Kim
Stratégie de contenus
- Architecture de l'information Jean-Michel Salaun, 2015, 200 pages
- Stratégie de contenu web Muriel Vandermeulen, 2010, 230 pages
- The elements of content strategy Erin Kissane, 2011
- Heart, Smarts Guts and Luck Anthony K. Tjan et Richard J. Harrington, 2012, 230 pages
- Delivering Happiness Tony Hsieh, 2010, 290 pages
- The hard thing about hard things Ben Horowitz, 2014, 304 pages
- Zero to One Peter Thiel, 2015, 224 pages
- Shoe dog Phil Knight, 2016, 400 pages
- The thank you economy Gary Vaynerchuck, 2011, 256 pages
- Crush It Gary Vaynerchuck, 2009, 142 pages
- Never eat alone Keith Ferrazzi et Tahl Raz, 2014, 400 pages
- Entrepreneurs du web Jonathan Lascar / Julien Kon czaty, 2012, 200 pages
- Small Business Revolution: How Owners and Entrepreneurs Can Succeed Barry C. McCarthy
- B2B Startup Marketing: A Practical Guide: How to Build Your B2B Marketing Operation from the Ground Up Dan Moshkovich
- Good Enough! to Launch Your Company: A Step-by-Step Startup Guide for Real People, Using Real-Life Examples Randal Wimmer, Joshua Ducharme
- Disciplined Entrepreneurship Startup Tactics: 15 Tactics to Turn Your Business Plan into a Business Paul Cheek, Bill Aulet
Management / Leadership
- The 4-hour work week Tim Ferris, 2007, 393 pages
- Make time Jake Knapp, 2018, 304 pages
- Rework Jason Fried, 2010, 240 pages
- Onze titres Phil Jackson, 2013, 334 pages
- Influence et manipulation : l'art de la persuasion Robert Cialdini, 2014, 408 pages
- Le guide des product managers et des product owners d'élite Thiga, 2018, 223 pages
- L'innovation managériale David Autissier / Kevon Johnson / Jean-Michel Moutot, 2014, 408 pages
- Le manager agile Jérôme Barrand, 2017, 272 pages
- Innovation organisationnelle et transformation managériale par le design thinking Aurélie Marchal, 2011, 166 pages
- Elon Musk Walter Isaacson
- Crossing the chasm Geoffrey Moore, 1991, 270 pages
- Jab,Jab, right hook Gary Vaynerchuck, 2013, 224 pages
- Big data Bill Schmarzo, 2013, 214 pages
- Optimiser son referencement Wordpress Daniel Roch, 2017, 365 pages
- Hacking Growth Sean Ellis et Morgan Brown, 2017, 304 pages
- Lean Analytics Benjamin Yoskovitz, Alistair Croll, 2013
- Le guide de l'influence Vincent Ducrey, 2010, 308 pages
- Digital marketing analytics Chuck Hemann, Ken Burbary, 2013, 350 pages
- Growth Hacking, guide on becoming a growth hacker Jose & Joe Casanova, 2013, 160 pages
- Le Community management Catherine Ertzschield / Benoit Faverial / Sylvain Guéguen, 2010, 260 pages
- Lean Marketing: More Leads. More Profit. Less Marketing Allan Dib
- Smashing Mag - the smashing Book 1 Smashing
- Smashing Mag - the smashing Book 2 Smashing
- Smashing Mag - the smashing Book 3 Smashing
- Smashing Mag - the smashing Book 3,5 Smashing
- Smashing book 6 : new frontiers in web design Smashing, 2018, 532 pages
- Blockchain, la révolution de la confiance Laurent Leloup, 2017, 160 pages
- La guerre des intelligences Dr Laurent Alexandre, 2017, 250 pages
- TED : Parler en public Chris Anderson, 2017, 352 pages
- La guerre des mondialisations Jean-Paul Betbèze
Intelligence Artificielle
- Co-Intelligence: Living and Working with AI Ethan Mollick
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